Venapro is a natural product that's been on the market for a number of years and is generally accepted to be an effective and low cost treatment for hemorrhoids. What makes Venapro slightly different to many other hemorrhoid treatments is the fact that it is actually a two part product consisting of a dietary supplement and also a topical spray. Venapro ships in a kit-form designed to last for the course of a month (this is particularly useful as it allows the consumer to try the treatment for a significant period so that they can gauge whether or not their hemorrhoids or piles are shrinking in size).

Whilst there are numerous other hemorrhoid treatments available in various forms, the old adage is that a well-designed product is more effective than its component parts and this is the case with Venapro. Whilst creams, sprays, ointments, suppositories and dietary supplements can be useful on their own, the combination of two or more of these designed to work together can be extremely powerful and this is the logic that was used when Venapro was first being developed. Venapro is available without prescription and this is appealing to a large number of users as they prefer to try a natural remedy before consulting a doctor.
There are many factors that can contribute to the onset of hemorrhoids and you should bear these in mind when deciding whether or not to try Venapro and these will have an impact on whether or not Venapro will work for you and if so, how long it will take for Venapro to start showing a positive result. According to a number of Venapro reviews and testimonials that can be found online, it would appear that in the majority of cases, Venapro does work and hemorrhoids should start showing signs of improvement in approximately two to three weeks of beginning treatment.
As with all products, Venapro may not suit everyone so it's well worth doing some research and reading reviews on Venapro before taking the plunge. A few pros and cons that are often mentioned when people talk about their experiences of using Venapro are:
Venapro Advantages
- It's convenient to have a one month supply of both the Venapro spray and the dietary supplement
- Venapro is cost effective compared to some other hemorrhoid treatments on the market
- Venapro is a natural and homeopathic hemorrhoid treatment which makes it available to people unable to take other certain prescription medicines
- Venapro is effective on both internal and external hemorrhoids
- Venapro has minimal side effects
Venapro Disadvantages
- Venapro can only be bought online meaning that it takes a few days to receive the product
- Venapro does take a little time to work and hemorrhoid sufferers who are in a lot of pain may prefer to consult their doctor for a faster treatment or even surgery. In cases of a prolapsed hemorrhoid or where blood vessels are thrombosed or hemorrhoids are bleeding, a professional consultation is really necessary to prevent the risk of blood clots, anal fissures or the future need for more serious interventions such as rubber band ligation
Prevention is better than cure and if you're lucky enough to not yet need Venapro, there are a number of measures you can take to hopefully keep you hemorrhoid-free. The two main strategies for avoiding hemorrhoids revolve around diet and lifestyle

Always try to ensure that you have enough fiber in your diet. The easiest way to achieve this is by eating high fiber foods such as vegetables, fruit, barley, wheat bran, spaghetti and brown rice. If you have concerns that you're not getting enough fiber in your diet you can always arrange a consultation with a nutritional specialist (your doctor should be able to provide you with a referral).
In recent years, the Mediterranean Diet has enjoyed much success in the media, partly due to its high fiber content and low fat, helping to promote a healthy digestive system. Proponents of this diet have also commented that whilst on the toilet, they've noticed stools are looser than usual but without the inconvenience associated with diarrhea. Hard stools are in the vast majority of cases, a thing of the past.
You've probably already heard the shocking statistics that the vast majority of us consume nowhere near the recommended daily intake of water but you may be surprised to hear that this can have a real impact on causing hemorrhoids. Experts advise that we should be drinking six to eight glasses of water every day (and avoiding alcohol as this actually has a de-hydrating effect on the body).
It's recommended that adult men consume around 38g of fiber every day (around 25g for women) but a significant proportion of us are still failing to do this. If you fall into this category it may well be worth considering the addition of a fiber supplement to your diet.
When you've got to go, you've got to go
If you feel the urge to pass a stool, you should try to go to the toilet as soon as possible. If you put it off you may find that you're more susceptible to constipation which is actually a major cause of hemorrhoids as it promotes straining when attempting bowel movement which of course in turn causes swelling within the anal canal. This swelling can lead to extreme discomfort and internal hemorrhoids as the veins within the rectum and anus become inflamed.
We all know that exercise is good and that most of us should be doing a lot more of it than we do. What you may not know is that conducting regular exercise can actually help to prevent hemorrhoids by keeping us regular so there's no need to strain. An added bonus of exercising is that it helps to stop us from becoming overweight (obesity and even just being overweight is something that plays a big part in suffering from hemorrhoids)
Sitting down for prolonged periods is something else best avoided if possible. In this modern world, a lot more people have desk jobs than they did a generation ago which obviously means sitting for prolonged periods. Make sure you take regular breaks and have a walk around the office (you could use the time to get yourself a glass of water too to make sure you're getting enough fluids)
All in all, hemorrhoids are pretty unpleasant and best avoided if possible. Whether or not you choose to use Venapro or another hemorrhoid treatment it's worth remembering the above tips to minimize your chances of having another hemorrhoid breakout further down the line.